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How to keep my boiler in good working order through the summer


When the balmy weather kicks in, boilers rarely take the limelight in the households of the UK. More than often, homeowners treat boilers like seasonal devices. Switching it off and forgetting about it is perhaps the very first thing they would do, then a pronounced reduction in electricity bills would be noticed thereafter. 

The cutback in electricity costs can largely be attributed to the fact that boilers are seldom or almost never used during summer. Although boilers are not needed during this specific time of the year, it is a device that needs to be maintained. 

Just like other devices, boilers tend to break down if they are not properly maintained. To keep them running smoothly for a long period of time, here are a few summer maintenance tips for boilers. 

Top things people often don’t do in summer which leads to problems as the cold weather sets in

Not leaving the boiler switched on. Even during the hot summer months, you might need hot water in your bath taps or kitchen sink so it would be very unwise if you will completely turn off your boiler. If you are using a dishwasher and you frequently take a shower or bath, you would still need hot water. 

It is a good idea to switch the heating on a regular basis, especially if you are planning to leave it off all summer long. To prevent problems from occurring, switch your boiler on once a month for 15 minutes and ensure that your central heating system is still properly functioning the way it should be.

Not replacing or repairing a defective boiler during summer. Having your boiler repaired or serviced during the summer is highly recommended because it is seldom used to provide heat for the entire household. You will hardly even notice its absence when a professional repair team is fixing your boiler. 

Boiler engineers are often very busy during winter and you may have difficulty booking their services during this time. It would be advisable to have your boilers serviced during summer because a lot of boiler engineers are readily available and fully equipped to take on your boiler repair needs.

If your old boiler needs replacement, summer is the most suitable time for doing so. The demand for heating is very low during the summer so boiler manufacturers and boiler repair companies are eager to offer reasonable, often discounted, rates for their products or services. 

The latest boiler models now offer more energy efficiency compared to its predecessors, helping you save money through the reduction of energy usage. 

Not keeping the thermostat switched on. Completely turning off your heating system during the summer may seem like a reasonable thought because it helps you save money but it may cost you dearly during the winter months. Just like other devices, your central heating system and boiler tend to malfunction if not being used routinely. 

To keep your boiler running in good condition, keep using it during the hot season. Just put it on the lowest required temperature for at least 15 minutes every day. Consistent usage of your boiler will help it from developing any issues. 

If you prefer to switch your boiler off for extended periods of time, switching it on at least once a month and letting it run for a few minutes would suffice. Neglecting to do so could result in a defective boiler during the winter.  

To keep this from happening, allow your central heating to function and radiators to get warm. This will keep the diverter valve and pump, the part of your heating system which directs water into its system, from malfunctioning.

Not having your boiler serviced regularly. Your boiler is working its hardest during the winter season so it would make sense to have it serviced when it is used the very least. 

You can help prevent the nightmare scenario of having no heating in the winter from happening, make it a point to schedule an annual servicing for your boiler during the summer. In this way, you can ensure your boiler will be working smoothly in the upcoming cold season. 

Summer is the best time of the year to detect breakdowns or fix any problem that your heating devices may have. Although regular servicing is only a recommendation, it can actually help keep your boiler working for a long period of time because it manages to fix small problems while they are still manageable. It can also help keep your heating system running efficiently, making it a great investment on your part. 

Not personally checking your boiler parts. Self-inspecting your heating system is highly recommended during the winter and even the summer. Checking for leaks, pressure levels and water levels at least once a month would suffice.

You may have to bleed your radiators if they are not heating up as rapidly as they used to or if they have cold spots on them. This is something you can do to keep your system running smoothly.

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to check for warning signs of a defective boiler. It is a good idea to check for low pressure, impaired functioning and odd noises. If any of these signs are present, do not hesitate to call your boiler repair specialist as soon as possible.

Taking extra precautions to protect your boiler is best done during summer. External safety features like magnetic filtration units and inhibitors can extend the lifespan of your heating system. 

Take note of your pressure gauge as well. It tends to drop down over time. Check if your pressure gauge is indicated at 1. Anything lower than this means you need to check your boiler manual to top it up. If it dips more than often, you need to call a repair team as soon as possible.

If you need your boiler to be repaired or serviced in Swindon or Wiltshire, give the guys at CentraHeat a call on 01793 878 636 or 07739 357 617. Their expert team can offer no obligation and free professional advice. Whatever boiler issues you have, they can help sort it out for you!

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