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Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

1 Breakdown cover for complete central heating system by our Gas Safe Registered Engineers wi1h emergency cover 24hrs a day 365 days a year
2 Paris and labour for boiler and central heating system
3 Unlimited call outs
4 Doller Replactments should within three years of the initial contract date, the boiler be beyond repair. we will – al our discretion fit a new boiler to the same
or similar specification. Where regulatory changes mean that the same or a similar boiler cannot be installed. a contribution towards the upgrade will be
n:quin:d. (Boiler cover commcnu: three months iJlcr d ile of initi il contract)
Only boilers proven to he up to seven years of age will qualil) and it is the responsibility of the customer to provide proof of the actual installation date
Should a boiler be over seven years of age and parts be deemed obsolete by the boiler manufacrnrer or to be beyond economical repair, a loyalty
discount will be applied to the cost ofa new boiler supplied and installed by us. This loyalty discount will be based on the number of years the Contract
has been rnnning and the amount of callouts they have on record.
5 Definitions- n:ntr;il hcating includes, central healing boiler, gas su pply from boiler isolation valve to the boiler, pump. motorised control valves, r;idiators
and valves. cylinder and room thcrmostats, temper;iturc, time and pressure controls, hot w;iter cylinder, related pi pework, feed and expansion lank
We will provide breakdown cover and/or maintenance cover for private domestic gas central heating and hot water systems subject to the level selected by the
customer. Complete Care: Full Boiler/Heating system Cover. System Care: Heating system and components and Heating Controls. Boiler Care: Boiler care only (not
heating system)
Service Plus: Annual Service only. Extras: Annual Fire Service; this covers the annual service only, no repairs or parts. CP12; Gas Safety Issued With Service. Fuel Type:
Natural Gas/LPG/Oil
Period of Maintenance Cover Contract remains valid until termination by us or the customer, 28 days notice in writing is required for any cancellation by either side.
In the event of cancellation of the contract within 12 months of its inception/renewal,we reserve the right to charge, at standard rates, for any work carried out. All
contracts are reviewed annually and we will upgrade the level of cover at the expiry of any manufactures guarantee period (if applicable) to ensure a consistent level of
cover. Contract and Payment• payment should be made by a payment method offered by us.
The Contract remains valid as long as payment is continued and remains subject to termination by appropriate notice from us or the customer (see condition 1).
The Acceptance of a Central Heating System onto a Maintenance Plan does not imply that the system is installed to the relevant standards and we will not accept any
responsibility for any inadequacy arising from the original design or installation, and so make no warranty as to fitness for purpose or condition. If a system is
incorrectly installed or unfit for use,were reserve the right to terminate the Contract. The Maintenance Plan is specific to the boiler installed in the property at the
commencement of the Plan. Should the boiler be changed during the term of the Maintenance Plan we must be informed immediately in writing. We reserve the right
to terminate any Maintenance Plan, in this instance, without reimbursement of payment. Should a breakdown / repair/ service be required on a boiler that has been
changed since the commencement of the Plan without notification to us, we reserve the right to charge for any call outs at our standard rates.
We shall not be liable to fulfill it’s obligations under the Contract if subject to industrial dispute or Force Majeure.
We may not be held responsible for any delay in provision of spare parts by suppliers and thus no compensation is payable should this occur. We may supply and fit
replacement parts and components which are adequate but not the same as defective parts.
Change of Ownership of Dwelling if ownership of dwelling changes the new owner of the dwelling shall retain the benefit of the Contract so long as payments du are
maintained. Refunds will not be available however for the unexpired part of the Contract.
Replacement Parts and Components will only be fitted where old ones are beyond reasonable repair. We will be the sole arbiter as to the condition of components.
Noisy boiler as boilers become older, for various reasons they may become noisy. Where age is the sole reason for noise, we do not consider this a fault and it is not
covered under the Maintenance Contract. A charge will be made for any recurring callouts relating to noisy systems, chargeable at our current standard & weekend
rates We shall n ot be responsible for any repairs to which reasonable access cannot be gained and shall not be responsible for replacing floorboards.cupboards,
carpets and decorations etc. which may require removal for access.
10 Boiler Servicing the service will usually be carried out during the period April to August inclusive. We will not be obliged to carry out a service outside of this period as
breakdown calls will be given priority. All servicing work is carried out during normal working hours Monday to Friday. We reserve the right to charge an additional cost to the
standard service rate including charges for additional c onsumables including system inhibitor.
11 Exclusion Period. There is a 2 8 day exclusion period for any call outs on Maintenance Plans. If a c ustomer renews before the expiry of the Contract, the exclusion
period does not apply after the first year of cover.
Standard Exclusions:
1. Any inadequacy attributing to original installation or design of the system.
2. We will not be held responsible for consequential damage or loss occurring as a result of a defect in the central heating system unless attributable to our negligence. If
attributable to our negligence, notification must be given in writing with full details within fourteen days of the incident.
3. Any damage due to the failure of water, gas or electricity supply.
4. Any work including de-scaling that may arise due to hard water scale deposits or aggressive water supply.
5. Mechanical breakdowns due to sludge build-up within the system. Removal of products of corrosion from within the system.
6. Should the heat exchanger or heat bank fail, this will deem the boiler to be beyond economical repair.
7. Any damage or defect caused by lightning, explosion, flood, storm, tempest, fire, impact or other extraneous causes. Any defect caused through negligence, misuse, third
party interference or malicious or will fulaction
8. Domestic water supply from the hot water cylinder or boiler outlet to and including taps
and washers. Any adjustment of time and temperature controls, bleeding radiators or pressurising sealed systems and relighting pilot lights.
9. The fabric of the building and any pipework including flues buried in it.
10. Any building work for the investigation of faults and/or following repair.
11. Any faults present at the time of signing the initial contract. Any call outs deemed to have been pre-existing to the commencement date of the Maintenance Plan and
within the first three months of the Contract will not be covered and may incur a charge for the call out and any parts required, at our current rates, variable to the day and time
of t he call out.
12. Replacement of flues. The replacement of decorative parts. Consumer durables (eg. batteries, filters, seals, gaskets, inhibitor, fuses, oil nozzles and igniter’s).
13. Heating appliances such as kick space heaters, fan assisted radiators, towel rails, designer radiators e.g. column radiators, school radiators, dual fuel kits, immersion heaters,
pri-matic cylinders, custom made cylinders, un-vented cylinders and thermal stores, underfloor heating systems and/or specialist heating. Radiants and glass fronts on back
boiler fires.
14. Cylinders with a volume greater than 40 gallons or 182 litres and boilers with a heat output greater than 42 kilowatts and pipework greater than 28mm diameter.
15. Removing asbestos associated with repairing the central heating appliance/system. When you have had any asbestos removed, you must give us a clean-air certificate before we
will do any further work at your property. By Law, the person who removes the asbestos must give you a clean-air certificate.
Commencing and/or continuing services where we reasonably consider that there is a Health and Safety risk including; the presence of hazardous materials; infestations;

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