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When should I replace my boiler?


We rely so heavily on our boilers each and every year that you would think most people would know a great deal about them, however matters about boilers are not as simple as many would expect.

Even though understanding them is not as easy, anyone can spot the signs that their boiler may be in dire need of replacement. Before they become a liability to your safety and financial situation, let’s take a closer look at the warning signs that indicate you need to replace your boiler as soon as possible.  

  • Your boiler is more than a decade old. Although the exact lifespan of boilers varies, they usually last for about 10 to 15 years if well-maintained. If your boiler manages to last that long, it may start to become inefficient. You might want to consider investing in a new boiler despite how much it will cost you. Your boiler lifespan is also dependent on how frequently you have it serviced. Booking an annual boiler service in Swindon will increase the likelihood of your boiler to last for up to 15 years.
  • Your energy bills are through the roof. If your energy bills are steadily increasing throughout the colder months, it is likely that your boiler is not working as efficiently as it should be. As your boiler gets older, its efficiency rate decreases gradually, leading to increased energy bills. Instead of getting rid of it immediately, try looking at its efficiency rating first. If you own an A-rated boiler, it is likely functioning on a 90 per cent efficiency rating. If you own G-rated boilers, it is probably running at 70 per cent efficiency or lower. If you currently own a G-rated model, you might want to consider replacing it as soon as you can.
  • It’s leaking. Having boiler leaks doesn’t mean you have to immediately replace your unit. It simply means that there is a problem with its valve or seal. Before it gets worse, call the boiler repair experts of Swindon to sort it out. If left unattended, minor leaks may lead to corrosion, rust or even structural damage to your home, which is something that we never want to happen. If more leaks are showing up, it is probably a sign that you need to have it replaced. Most importantly, boiler leaks will make your heating inefficient, leaving you waiting in anticipation for the radiators to function as desired. 
  • It takes too long for the radiators to heat up. If it takes a long time for your radiators to warm up, it means there is an internal breakdown. Let a boiler engineer take a closer look at your boiler. Your unit may be worn out or just approaching the end of its lifespan. 
  • Replacement components are difficult to find. If you are already having a hard time finding the exact replacement components for your boiler model, it probably means your boiler is already outdated or it already is experiencing major wear and tear. Take this sign as an opportunity to replace your unit before you end up with serious issues that may put you and your loved ones at risk.

Are old boilers dangerous?    

Not all old units are dangerous but if they show any of these signs, it may mean you will have to switch it off immediately and have it replaced: 

  • You can already smell fumes or spent gas. 
  • You develop nausea or headaches when the boiler is on. 
  • There are black spillage, scorching or sooting marks on your unit.  
  • The flame has turned yellow. 

If your boiler is running and giving off a pungent smell, this is actually a dangerous sign. This is probably a sign of a gas leak. If this happens, turn your unit off immediately and contact CentraHeat. As soon as the issue has been addressed, you might want to explore your options on replacing your unit by talking to the boiler engineers.

An efficiently functioning boiler should be burning a bright blue flame. If it turns yellow, you should call the boiler repair specialists immediately so they can assess the situation as soon as possible. A yellow flame is usually a sign that your unit is malfunctioning and carbon monoxide could be involved. Carbon monoxide is odourless and difficult to distinguish, which is why you should call the experts as soon as you spot a yellow flame. 

Do I need to replace my radiators when replacing my boiler?

Most homeowners aren’t sure if replacing the radiator must be done together with the boiler. If you think about it deeply, it makes sense to overhaul your heating system at one time so you can avoid incurring extra costs when replacing them separately. 

Modern radiators have improved efficiency and quality. They are also designed to meet the several performance regulations, leading to lower electrical bills and less reliance on water to function properly.

If you have an old radiator, there is a big chance that it doesn’t blend well with your interior design. The designs of modern radiators have drastically improved so that you can even serve it as a focal point in your home. 

Sludge tends to build up within the pipes of radiators over time. This will affect water flow and its capacity to heat your home properly. Modern boiler units are now made with copper pipes and are less prone to corrosion compared to stainless steel pipes.

Contemporary boilers are designed to provide an efficient flow of water throughout your home and combining it with an old boiler may cause your system to leak. Although leaks can be fixed, they are more likely to reoccur if this is the type of system you currently have. Contemporary radiators are now designed to resist the build-up of sludge and internal corrosion. So it makes sense to combine a modern boiler with a modern radiator. 

How long should my new boiler last?

The average lifespan of a boiler is around 10 to 15 years. Within this span of time, you should have it serviced regularly so it can function for as long as it should. To prolong the life of your unit, make sure to purchase a reliable boiler system, choose a system that is suitable for your needs and book an annual boiler service from fully-trained, accredited, equipped and experienced boiler engineers at CentraHeat. 

If you are currently experiencing these issues with your boiler, don’t give it a second thought. Call us on 01793 878 636 or 07739 357 617 immediately! 

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