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Getting Ready for the Colder Months


As the winter nights are drawing near and the weather is starting to get frosty, it is very important to take the time and prepare your home. We all know what winter brings; snow, rain, strong winds and cold temperatures. If you are not well-equipped for bad weather, there is a great likelihood that your house might be damaged: strong rain and wind can damage your roof or gutters while cold weather conditions may freeze your pipes.

Why is it important to check your pipes? If they are not insulated, you are increasing the risk of letting them freeze or burst during winter. The boiler is another matter. If it breaks down, you are risking yourself of having costly repairs and the terrible idea of enduring winter without a running boiler. 

Nobody wants to stay at home and tremble through the cold weather. Nobody wants to spend a lot of money for costly repairs too. 

How can you prepare yourself and your loved ones for the coming of the colder months? Here’s a short guide to keep you warm and cosy.  

Have your heating system and boiler serviced. Just in case you forgot to have your heating system or boiler checked this year, the best time to have it checked is when winter is still on its way. Having it serviced means the heating experts can take a look at your equipment and check if it is working properly. If any defects or malfunctions can be detected, they can repair it as soon as possible. It is better to find out minor problems and solve them as soon as possible rather than wait for the problems to get worse then have the issues fixed. 

You don’t want any issues from your boiler and heating system in the dead of winter. Just imagine yourself not having heating or hot water in your home! Aside from the fact that enduring heating problems during winter is very inconvenient, finding a technician to attend to you might be difficult because they are extremely busy during winter. 

So go ahead. Save yourself from worrying by booking a heating and boiler service as soon as you can!

Check out your roof. Have you checked your roof tiles lately? Is your roof missing some tiles? Are your roof tiles loose or cracked? If so, they are due for a replacement. If left unrepaired, the heavy weight of snow and strong winds can wreck your roof.  

Check out your gutters. After checking out your roof, don’t forget your gutters. During autumn, leaves and foliage may gather and clog the drains. If the drains are blocked, water will stay in your gutter and eventually leak into your roof. If the situation gets worse, the leak might reach your ceiling and into your home. 

Prevent this from happening. All you need to do is clean your gutter so that water can drain freely.  

Check out your chimneys. Just like your roof, you must check your chimneys for loose areas or cracks. Rain, snow and strong winds can seep into these areas and create further damage. So before the bad weather kicks in, make sure your chimney is strong and as stable as possible.

Check out your windows. After checking your roof, gutters and chimney, it’s time to check out your window frames. Do they have cracks? Do any of them need repainting? If so, take the time to fill the cracks or add a few coats of paint if necessary. If left untreated, the extreme weather conditions may cause the window frames to expand or rot.

Check your home insulation. The key to a warm and comfortable home and low electric bills is maintaining proper home insulation. Take the time to fully assess your entire home with regards to this matter. Do this before the mayhem of winter arrives. 

Are all the rooms in your home well insulated or are they drafty? To help keep the heat in, you can use thick curtains and let them cover your windows. You can also use draft excluders to get rid of that pesky draft. 

Turn the central heating on and maintain it at around 14 degrees Celsius throughout the cold season. Setting the central heating to this temperature will help prevent your pipes from being damaged by frost and freezing.

Check out your pipes. Apply thermal insulation to pipes and water tanks that are located in exposed areas like the garage, loft or utility room. If left without insulation, your pipes could free or burst during winter. If you want your water supply to be steady during winter, don’t leave this out in your to-do checklist.

Check out your electrical system and fuse box. This is essential in maintaining the safety of you and your loved ones. You don’t have to do this yourself though. The law requires a licenced electrician to do the inspection for you.  

Clear away the clutter. If your home is filled with summer items that are no longer needed such as your patio furniture and outdoor grill, it’s better to store them away. You don’t want to expose them to harsh weather and risk making them unusable for next summer. Clean them first before storing them away in a garage, shed or rented storage unit. 

If you find any issues through your household inspection, do all the necessary repairs now and not later. It can be tempting to procrastinate but tending to these issues as soon as you can can prevent you from cramming. 

When it comes to heating, plumbing and renewable energy, you can trust CentraHeat. CentraHeat is made up of an experienced team of professionals dedicated to keeping your home safe and comfortable. They are available 24/7 and offer free no-obligation estimates!

  • Plumbers
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  • Boiler Repair
  • Boiler Service
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  • Heating and Plumbing for Landlords and Agents

To book a service or find out more information, feel free to call them anytime on 01793 878 636 or 07739 357 617! 

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